• We exploit CVE-2021-39863 by using Stack Pivoting after accessing the arbitrary address by JS Object.
  • The ArrayBuffer Object and DataView Object which are Objects of JavaScript are used to access the arbitrary address.
  • Adobe compiles JS code embedded in PDF using JavaScript Engine, SpiderMonkey. This blog tells you about JS Object (ArrayBuffer Object, DataView Object) in SpiderMonkey Engine.

1. ArrayBuffer Object

  • ArrayBuffer Object is the data of reference type, the Object is allocated to the Heap memory.
  • This Object allocates and uses the continuous memory space of fixed length.

1) Characteristics of ArrayBuffer Object

  • Declare the number of the bytes to use in the Heap memory.
     var arrbuf = new ArrayBuffer(bytes)
  • Unlike Array, it can not access the data by index.

    • In other words, we can’t access the data in the form of arrbuf[0], arrbuf[1], etc.

    • ArrayBuffer uses the object, TypedArray which plays the role of view to access the data stored in the ArrayBuffer object.

      • With TypedArray, we can read data stored in ArrayBuffer in a specific data type.

        • TypedArray performs similar work with Union in C.

        • For example, we can access the data stored in ArrayBuffer with an 8-bit integer with Int8Array. Also, we can access the data by an 8-bit unsigned integer with Uint8Array.


[Fig 1] Generating 16 bytes ArrayBuffer (Up) and TypedArray of it (Bottom)

2) ArrayBuffer Header

  • ArrayBuffer Object has a 0x10 byte size header.


[Fig 2] The structure of ArrayBuffer Object with its header (blue rectangles)

  • flags : Stored flags related to the current ArrayBuffer Object

  • initializedLength
    • The length of ArrayBuffer Data. This value is the same as that of [ArrayBuffer Object name].byteLength.
        length = arrbuf.byteLength
  • capacity : The address of DataView Object if DataView Object of current ArrayBuffer Object is generated.

  • length

2. DataView Object

  • DataView Object provides the API to manage the ArrayBuffer Object. ⇒ We can read and write binary data in ArrayBuffer by an index using DataView Object.
    var dv = new DataView(ArrayBuffer_Object)
    • set`????`(offset, value, little_endian)

      : Write value by ???? type at the offset position from the start of ArrayBuffer Data.

      • little_endian == true : write as little_endian
      • little_endian == false : write as big_endian
    • get`????`(offset, little_endian)

      Read value by ???? type at the offset position from the start of ArrayBuffer Data.

      • little_endian == true : read as little_endian
      • little_endian == false : read as big_endian
 dv.setInt16(offset, value, little_endian)
 var result = dv.getInt16(offset, little_endian)

// ArrayBuffer, DataView example code
// [1] Assign 32 bytes
var arrbuf = new ArrayBuffer(32)
// [2] Print length of arrbuf : 32

// [3] get DataView object of arrbuf
var dv = new DataView(arrbuf)
// [3] Change 16 byte value at arrbuf with offset 16 byte by little-endian
dv.setInt16(16, 255, true)

// [4] Print the 16 byte value of first half of arrbuf
console.log(dv.getInt16(0, true))
// [5] Print the 16 byte value of second half of arrbuf
console.log(dv.getInt16(16, true))


[Fig 3] The result of executing the ArrayBuffer, DataView example code

+) If DataView Object references the non-existent Property then DataView Object calls the getProperty function to find that Property to parent Objects.

3. JS Object

  • All Objects in SpiderMonkey are implemented from ObjectImpl Object. ⇒ Therefore, DataView Object which is the Object can use all methods whose ObjectImpl Object uses.


[Fig 4] The Hierarchical diagram of Object in SpiderMonkey (ex: DataView Object is implemented from ArrayBuffer Object)

  • The Object among the JS Object which doesn’t have an array as an element (ex : DataView Object) stores the base address of the emptyElementsHeader at the elements_ field.

    • emptyElementsHeader declares by static instance, so it is in the .data segment of EScript.api. image [Fig 5] The reference diagram of ArrayBuffer -> DataView -> emptyElementHeader

As I mentioned in 2. DataView Object, if DataView Object references a non-existed property then DataView Object calls getProperty function to find it.

image [Fig 6] Reference diagram to find the address of the getProperty function


  1. DataView Object
  2. SpiderMonkey Internal
  3. JSObject